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Voices from residents and your future neighbors.

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About Tokyo Finder

This website is for people who are planning to live in Tokyo or invest in Japanese properties.

Getting information about a place where you have never lived can be very difficult. This is especially true in countries with different cultures and customs. In such cases, the voices of local people who live in the area can be useful, but the voices of foreigners and Japanese with global perspective who live in the area can give you information in a way that is more relatable to your need.

The information available on this site is useful for those who want to buy a property in Tokyo to live in, or buy a property in Tokyo for investment purposes. Please refer to the voices of foreigners who are already living in Japan.

Buying property in Tokyo

Having trouble on buying real estate in Japan?

Knowing and understanding neighborhoods in Tokyo takes time

Language problem with agents and banks makes the process more difficult and slow

Purchase process and business culture are different from your country

No worries! We are there to help you to make the process hassle-free and easier!

We are experienced consultants who have been dealing with foreign buyers for many years. The three difficulties above and any other of your concerns can be tackled with us! Please contact us for more information and feel free to ask us any question.

Contact consultant for buying